Sunday, June 19, 2011

Booneward Bound!

A couple weeks ago, Brandon, Walker, and I took a quick trip up to Boone, NC to shoot an assignment for our small format class.  We had finished classes early that day and on a whim, just decided to drive up to Boone.  It took about two hours but that's not long at all, especially when you have good friends and good music!  The first thing we did upon arrival was head further up on the mountain to some overlook spots.  The sun was starting to go down over the mountains so of course I had to document it!


  1. Wow! These are really pretty Holly. I love the lighting and the different tones!

  2. These are beautiful, Holly! I have traveled vicariously through these images.

  3. I love the way that you have captured the sun as it is setting in the fog.
