Monday, June 6, 2011

Parks and Recreation

Our assignment this week was Parks and Recreation.  So I took a trip to Raleigh to shoot friend and fellow photographer Walker Anderson doin' his bike thing!  It was my first time shooting something like this, so hopefully I didn't fail miserably. I shot these photos using his Canon 5D Mark II with a 17-40mm f/4 wide angle lens.

Now this shot was a little different.. I rotated the photo, completely changing the perspective. Leave me feedback, whether it be positive or negative! I'd love to hear it (:


  1. Straight up incredible shots Miss Holly Mann. I love the top left picture and and the bottom one as well. Very unique perspective for the bottom picture.

  2. I really like that last one, Holly. All of these are great shots.

  3. Holly, These shots are awesome! LOVE the largest really got a great perspective on that one!

  4. Ditto to what everyone else said... and I'm still trying to figure out how the bottom photo was initially shot before you rotated it??? That one and the first shot are my favorites =)

  5. Holly, how did I miss this earlier?! These are amazing action shots with great angles and compositions. Nice job!
