Sunday, June 12, 2011

Playing in the Golden Hour

Muting the Golden Hour by hollyrose09
Muting the Golden Hour, a photo by hollyrose09 on Flickr.

Brandon, Walker, and I were feeling creative yesterday. We went out around seven o'clock to capture that nice light and played with some water.

It's summer in North Carolina, so of course it was hot out and this shot was captured after he had been splashed repeatedly in the face with water.

Post processing/WM design: Brandon Warren


  1. WOW! This is great Holly, I really really like it. The DOF and backlighting work great!!! good job

  2. Looks amazing Miss Mann.

    Like a cologne ad! ;)

  3. beautiful light holly!! walker should totally be a a ck/burberry model!!

  4. Nice one, Holly. I agree with Brandon, my first thought was that it looked like a Calvin Kline cologne advertisement! I like the focus and the exposure, really nice. (It is also nice to see Walker with his hair out of his face, ;) No offense to Walker.)
